The latest information on ceramic technology.

Frontek Australia to Exhibit at ZAK World of Façades Melbourne and CERSAIE 2024
We are excited to announce that Frontek Australia will be participating in two prestigious exhibitions in the coming weeks, showcasing our innovative products and expertise in architectural cladding systems: ZAK World of Facades in Melbourne and CERSAIE 2024 in Bologna - Italy.
Frontek Australia at CERSAIE 2023
We are thrilled to announce that Frontek Australia will be attending CERSAIE, one of the main international exhibitions of ceramic tiles and bathroom furnishings in Bologna, Italy.
Join our team at the Grupo Greco Gres Internacional stand, where we will be presenting the new products and developments of Frontek and the rest of our brands.
Save the Date:
25th - 29th September 2023
Hall 25 Stand B158 – Fiera di Bologna